講義風景(研究棟C 第2講義室)

神経発生学分野 寺島 俊雄 先生 業績集


  1. Mikoshiba, K., Yokoyama, M., Terashima, T., Nishimura, Y., Takamatsu, K., Inoue, Y., Nomura, T. and Tsukada,Y. (1984) Chimeric analysis of pathogenesis of reeler and shiverer mutant mice. In Arima,M.,Suzuki,Y. and Yabuuchi,H. (eds): The developing brain and its disorders. University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, pages 69-92.


  1. 寺島俊雄(分担)神経科学レビュ-1. 発生と発達. 医学書院,1987
  2. 寺島俊雄(分担)神経科学レビュ-2. 発生と発達. 医学書院,1988
  3. 寺島俊雄、落石知世 神経芽細胞移動障害リーラー奇形マウス バイオメディカルリサーチマニュアル -動物実験法- 第6巻疾患モデル動物(笠井憲雪・板垣慎一編)養賢堂 45-461995.
  4. 寺島俊雄(分担)神経回路形成。金子章道、川村光毅、植村慶一編「脳と神経-分子神経生物学入門」共立出版、pp. 58-741999
  5. 寺島俊雄: 脳の構築異常-自然突然変異マウスとノックアウトマウス、森寿、真鍋俊也、渡辺雅彦、岡野栄之, 宮川剛編集, 脳神経科学イラストレイテッド, 羊土社, 76-90.
  6. 寺島俊雄、薛 富義、山本達朗:神経回路標識法 各種トレーサーの使用法. 組織細胞化学学会編、組織細胞化学、pp. 64-72, 2001.
  7. 田中靖史,寺島俊雄:蛍光ニューロントレーサー 三輪佳宏編,実験がうまくいく蛍光・発光試薬の選び方と使い方,羊土社, pp. 95-113, 2007.


  1. Mikoshiba, K., Yokoyama, M., Terashima, T., Nishimura, Y., Inoue, Y., Okano, H., Takamatsu, K., Nomura, T. and Tsukada, Y. Studies on the development and growth of the mammalian nervous system by aggregation chimeras: analysis of corticohistogenesis in the cerebrum by reeler mutant mice. Progress in Developmental Biology, Part B., Alan R. Liss., Inc., pages 137-140, 1986.
  2. O'Leary, D. D. M., Bicknesse, A. R., De Carlos, J. A., Heffner, C. D., Koester, S. E., Kutka, L. J. and Terashima, T. Target selection by cortical axons: alternative mechanisms to establish axonal connections in the developing brain. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol., 50:453-468, 1990.
  3. Terashima, T. Anatomy, development and lesion-induced plasticity of rodent corticospinal tract, Neurosci. Res., 22: 139-161, 1995.
  4. Toda T, Kobayashi K, Takeda S, Sasaki J, Kurahashi H, Kano H, Tachikawa M, Wang F, Nagai Y, Taniguchi K, Taniguchi M, Sunada Y, Terashima T, Endo T, Matsumura K. Fukuyama-type congenital muscular dystrophy (FCMD) and alpha-dystroglycanopathy. Congenit Anom 43(2): 97-104, 2003.
  5. Aoki T, Mizuki Y, and Terashima T. Relation between schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease: the reelin signaling pathway. Psychogeriatrics 5: 42-47, 2006.


  1. 寺島俊雄、井上馨、井上芳郎、御子柴克彦、塚田裕三:リ-ラ-マウス大脳皮質と小脳皮質の細胞構築. 日疾動録 1:18-27, 1985.
  2. 寺島俊雄、井上芳郎:GTP結合蛋白質(Go)の免疫組織化学的研究. 代謝 25: 261-273, 1988.
  3. 井上芳郎、寺島俊雄:大脳皮質形成異常ミュ-タント(リ-ラ-奇形マウス)の線維連絡. 細胞工学 7:808-816, 1988.
  4. 仲村春和、寺島俊雄:カルボシアニン蛍光色素DiI,DiOによる神経組織のラベル法 実験医学別冊 神経生化学マニュアル 236-241, 1990.
  5. 寺島俊雄、井上馨、井上芳郎:神経細胞の位置異常と神経回路網:リーラーマウス運動野の線維連絡 北海道医学雑誌 66:268-285, 1991. 
  6. 寺島俊雄:小脳の発生と分化.  Clinical Neuroscience 9:158-161, 1991.
  7. 寺島俊雄:線維結合と神経分化:げっ歯類錐体路の研究から. 実験医学 11:1357-1363, 1993.
  8. 寺島俊雄:大脳皮質の発生. 医学のあゆみ 165:799-802, 1993.
  9. 寺島俊雄、薛富義、吉川知志、池田やよい:リ--マウス顔面神経核の細胞構築、解剖学雑誌. 74411-420, 1999.
  10. 寺島俊雄、岡戸晴生 (2000)  組換えアデノウイルスを用いた神経回路標識法 蛋白核酸酵素 45(3):537-547.
  11. 青木岳也、寺島俊雄、柿木達哉、渡辺義文:リーリンシグナル伝達系とアルツハイマー病との関連性 脳と精神の医学 13(4):411-417, 2002.
  12. 寺島俊雄:Shaking rat Kawasaki における運動失調とその解剖学的基盤 CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 21(2):168-170, 2003. 
  13. 杉岡幸三、薛 富義、寺島俊雄:海馬の発生学的形態異常を伴う実験的小頭(脳)症ラットの空間認知障害、生理心理学と精神生理学 21(1):19-30, 2003.
  14. 杉岡幸三、薛 富義、寺島俊雄:胎児からのメッセージ、Behavioral Science Research 42(1):11-24, 2003.
  15. 青木岳也、寺島俊雄、柿木達也、渡辺義文:分裂病モデルの可能性としてのリーラーマウス 脳梁交連線維系を中心としてー 臨床精神医学 32 (1)89-96, 2003.
  16. 荒川高光、河上敬介、寺島俊雄:三次元的視点からみた筋の位置:ヒト足の母指内転筋における停止の変異に対する比較解剖学的検討、理学療法 22(12):1516-1519, 2005.
  17. 荒川高光、河上敬介、寺島俊雄:三次元的視点からみた筋の位置:ヒト足底の深層筋における起始の変異を力学的・機能的に再考する。理学療法 22(12):1516-15192005. 


  1. Inoue Y., Terashima T., Nishimura Y. and Shimai, K. The process of Wallerian degeneration of myelinated nervefibers in the pyramidal tract of the rhesus monkey. Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn. 55:153-180, 1978.
  2. Wada, M., Fujino, T. and Terashima, T. Anatomical description of the free retroauricular flap. J. Microsurgery 1:108-113, 1980.
  3. Inoue, Y., Terashima, T., Nishimura, Y. and Shimai, K. Reaction of glial and phagocytic cells under Wallerian degeneration in the pyramidal tract of the rhesus monkey. Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn.57:1-28, 1980.
  4. Terashima, T. Quantitative study on degenerated myelinated nerve fibers in the pyramid and spinal cord following lesion in the internal capsule of the rhesus monkey. Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn. 58:115-136, 1981.
  5. Terashima, T. (1981) Arrangement of pyramidal tract fibers in the internal capsule of the rhesus monkey. Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn. 58: 137-154, 1981.
  6. Terashima, T., Inoue, Y. and Shimai, K. Further studies on the collateral branches arising from the pyramidal tract fibers of the upper cervical cord in the rhesus monkey: An electron microscopic investigation. Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn. 58:1249-1258, 1982.
  7. Suenaga, Y., Nakamura, R., Inoue, K., Terashima, T., Takeda, M. and Inoue, Y. Two cases of a lieno-mesenteric trunk. Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn. 58:1249-1258, 1982.
  8. Terashima, T., Inoue, K., Inoue, Y., Mikoshiba, K. and Tsukada, Y. Distribution and morphology of corticospinal tract neurons in reeler mouse cortex by the retrograde HRP method. J. Comp. Neurol. 218:314-326, 1983.
  9. Inoue, Y., Inoue, K., Terashima, T., Mikoshiba, K. and Tsukada, Y. Developmental changes of oligodendroglia in the posterior funiculus of "shiverer" mutant mouse spinal cord, with special reference to myelin formation. Anat. Embryol. 168:159-171, 1983.
  10. Terashima, T., Inoue, K., Inoue, Y., Mikoshiba, K. and Tsukada, Y. Observations on the brainstem-spinal descending systems of normal and reeler mutant mice by the retrograde HRP method. J. Comp. Neurol. 225: 95-104, 1984.
  11. Inoue, Y., Inoue, K., Terashima, T., Nishimura, Y. and Shimai, K. Quantitative analysis of synaptic boutons on motoneurons of rhesus monkey spinal cord after chronic deafferentation due to cerebral lesions. J. Hirnforsch. 25:527-536, 1984..
  12. Terashima, T., Inoue, K., Inoue, Y., Mikoshiba, K. and Tsukada, Y. Distribution and morphology of callosal commissural neurons within the motor cortex of normal and reeler mice. J. Comp. Neurol. 232: 83-98, 1985.
  13. Terashima, T., Inoue, K., Inoue, Y., Mikoshiba, K. and Tsukada,Y. Observations on Golgi epithelial cells and granule cells in the cerebellum of the reeler mutant mouse. Develop. Brain Res. 18:103-112, 1985.
  14. Mikoshiba, K., Yokoyama, M., Terashima, T., Sekiguchi, M., Inoue, Y., Takamatsu, K., Nomura, T., Shimai, K. and Tsukada, Y. Analysis of abnormality of corticohistogenesis in the reeler mutant mice by producing chimera mice: Absence of abnormality in neurons in reeler. Acta Histochem. Cytochem. 18:113-124, 1985.
  15. Inoue, Y., Iguchi, M., Takeda, T., Inoue, K. and Terashima, T. The glioarchitectonics of the chicken brain. IV. Electron microscopic study. Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn. 62:399-420, 1986.
  16. Inoue, Y., Mikoshiba, K., Yokoyama, M., Inoue, K., Terashima, T., Nomura, T. and Tsukada, Y. Alteration of the primary pattern of central myelin in a chimaeric enviroment---study of shiverer-wild-type chimaeras. Develop. Brain Res. 26:239-247, 1986.
  17. Fukushima, K., Terashima, T., Kudo, J., Inoue, Y. and Kato, M. Projections of group y of the vestibular nuclei and dentate and fastigial nuclei of the cerebellum to the interstitial nucleus of Cajal. Neurosci. Res. 3:285-299, 1986.
  18. Senjo, M., Ishibashi, T., Terashima, T. and Inoue, Y. (1986) Correlation between astrogliogenesis and blood-brain barrier formation: immunocytochemical demonstration by using astroglia-specific enzyme glutatione s-transferase. Neurosci. Lett. 66:39-42.
  19. Terashima, T., Inoue, K., Inoue, Y., Takahashi, S. and Shimai, K. (1986) Quantitaitive analysis on corticospinal fibers of rhesus monkey with long-term cortical ablation. Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn. 63:281-292.
  20. Terashima, T., Inoue, K., Inoue, Y., Yokoyama, M. and Mikoshiba, K. Observations on the cerebellum of normal-reeler mutant mouse chimera. J. Comp. Neurol. 252:264-278, 1986.
  21. Senjo, M., Ishibashi, T., Terashima, T. and Inoue, Y. Successive appearance of glutathione s-transferase-positive cells in developing brain: choroid plexus, pia mater, ventricular zone and astrocytes. Neurosci. Lett. 66:131-134, 1986.
  22. Terashima, T., Inoue, K., Inoue, Y. and Mikoshiba, K. Thalamic connectivity of the primary motor cortex of normal and reeler mutant mice. J. Comp. Neurol. 257:405-421, 1987.
  23. Terashima, T., Katada, T., Oinuma, M., Inoue, Y. and Ui, M. Immunohistochemical localization of guanine nucleotide-binding protein in rat retina. Brain Res. 410:97-100, 1987.
  24. Fukushima, K., Fukushima, J. and Terashima, T. The pathways responsible for the characteristic head posture produced by lesions of the interstitial nucleus of Cajal in the cat. Exp. Brain Res. 68:88-102, 1987.
  25. Terashima, T., Katada, T., Oinuma, M., Inoue, Y. and Ui, M. Endocrine cells in pancreatic islets of Langerhans are immunoreactive to antibody against guanine nucleotide-binding protein (Go) purified from rat brain. Brain Res.417:190-194, 1987.
  26. Terashima, T., Katada, T., Okada, E., Ui, M. and Inoue, Y. Light microscopy of GTP-binding protein (Go) immunoreactivity within the retina of different vertebrates. Brain Res. 436:384-389, 1987.
  27. Terashima, T., Katada, T., Takayama, C., Ui, M. and Inoue,Y. Immunohistochemical detection of GTP-binding regulatory protein (Go) in the autonomic nervous system including the enteric nervous system, superior cervical ganglion and adrenal medulla. Brain Res. 455:353-359, 1987.
  28. Terashima, T., Katada, T., Oinuma, M., Inoue, Y. and Ui,M. Immunohistochemical analysis of the localization of guanine nucleotide-binding protein in the mouse brain. Brain Res. 442: 305-311, 1988.
  29. O'Leary, D. D. M. and Terashima, T. Cortical axon branching to multiple subcortical targets develops by interstitial axon budding: implication for axon-target interaction and "waiting period". Neuron 1: 901-910, 1988.
  30. Inoue, Y., Maeda, N., Kokubun, K., Takayama, C., Inoue, K., Terashima, T. and Mikoshiba, K. Architecture of Purkinje cells of the reeler mutant mouse observed by immunohistochemistry for the inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor protein P400. Neurosci. Res. 8:189-201, 1990.
  31. Inoue, K., Terashima, T. and Inoue, Y. Postnatal development of the pontine projections from the visual cortex of the mouse. Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn., 67:479-492, 1991.
  32. Inoue, K., Terashima, T. and Inoue, Y. The intracortical position of pyramidal tract neurons in the motor cortex of the reeler changes from postnatal day 10 to adulthood. Develop. Brain Res., 62:146-150, 1991.
  33. Nagashima, M., Inoue, Y., Terashima, T., Iwasaki, Y. and Abe, H. Developmental study of the corticospinal tract of the rat by the method of anterograde labeling of DiI demonstrated by confocal laser scnning microscopy. Adv. Neurotrauma Res. 3:59-63, 1992.
  34. Terashima, T., Takayama, C., Ichikawa, R. and Inoue, Y. Dendritic arbolization of large pyramidal neurons in the motor cortex of normal and reeler mutant mouse. Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn., 68:351-364, 1992.
  35. Inoue, K., Terashima, T. and Inoue, Y. Postnatal development of the corticotectal projection from the visual cortex of the mouse. Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn., 68:319-332, 1992.
  36. Kotani, M., Kawashima, I., Ozawa, H., Terashima, T. and Tai, T. Immunohistochemical localization of major gangliosides in rat cerebellum, Proc. Jpn. Acad. Ser. B, 68:109-113, 1992.
  37. Terashima, T., Katada, T., Ichikawa, R., Ui, M. and Inoue, Y. Distribution of guanine nucleotide-binding protein in the brain of the reeler mutant mouse. Brain Res., 601:136-142, 1993.
  38. Terashima, T., Kishimoto, Y. and Ochiishi, T. Musculotopic organization of the facial nucleus of the reeler mutant mouse. Brain Res., 617:1-9, 1993.
  39. Ozawa, H., Kotani, M., Kawashima, I., Numata, M., Ogawa, T., Terashima, T. and Tai, T.  Generation of a monoclonal antibody specific for ganglioside GM4: evidence for GM4 expression on astrocytes in chicken cerebellum. J. Biochem., 114:5-8, 1993.
  40. Kotani, M., Kawashima, I., Ozawa, H., Terashima, T. and Tai, T. Differential distribution of major gangliosides in rat central nervous system detected by specific monoclonal antibodies. Glicobiology 3:137-146, 1993.
  41. Ochiishi, T., Terashima, T., Sugiura, H. and Yamauchi, T. Immunohistochemical localization of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in the rat retina. Brain Res., 634:257-265, 1994.
  42. Terashima, T., Ochiishi, T. and Yamauchi, T. Immunohistochemical detection of calcium/calmodulin-dependnet protein kinase II in the spinal cord of the rat and monkey with special reference to the corticospinal tract. J. Comp. Neurol., 340:469-479, 1994.
  43. Terashima, T., Ochiishi, T., and Yamauchi, T. Immunocytochemical localization of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II isoforms in the ganglion cells of the rat retina: immunofluorescence histochemistry combined with a fluorescent retrograde tracer, Brain Res., 650:133-139, 1994.
  44. Nagata, I. and Terashima, T. Migration behavior of granule cells on laminin in cerebellar microexplant cultures from early postnatal reeler mutant mice, Int. J. Devl. Neurosci., 12:387-395, 1994.
  45. Ochiishi, T., Terashima, T., and Yamauchi, T. Specific distribution of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha and beta isoforms in some structures of the rat forebrain, Brain Res., 659: 179-193, 1994.
  46. Ishida, A., Shimazaki, K., Terashima, T., and Kawai, N. An electrophysiological and immunohistochemical study of the hippocampus of the reeler mutant mouse, Brain Res., 662: 60-68, 1994.
  47. Terashima, T., Kishimoto, Y., and Ochiishi, T. Musculotopic organization in the motor trigeminal nucleus of the reeler mutant mouse, Brain Res., 666:31-42, 1994.
  48. Kotani, M., Kawashima, I., Ozawa, H., Ogura, K., Ishizuka, I., Terashima, T., and Tai, T. Immunohistochemical localization of minor gangliosides in the rat central nervous system, Glycobiology, 4:855-865, 1994.
  49. Terashima, T., The course and collaterals of corticospinal fibers arising from the sensory-motor cortex of the reeler mouse, Devlop. Neurosci., 17: 8-19, 1995.
  50. Terashima, T., Ochiishi, T., and Yamauchi, T. Alpha calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II immunoreactivity in corticospinal neurons: combination of axonal transport method and immunofluorescence, Anat. Embryol., 192: 123-136, 1995.
  51. Kotani, M., Terashima, T., and Tai, T. Developmental changes of ganglioside in postnatal rat cerebellar cortex, Brain Res., 700:40-58, 1995.
  52. Terashima, T. Distribution of mesencephalic trigeminal neurons of the reeler mutant mouse, Anat. Rec., 244:563-571, 1996.
  53. Ikeda,Y., and Terashima, T. Corticospinal tract neurons are radially malpositioned in the sensory-motor cortex of the Shaking Rat Kawasaki, J. Comp. Neurol., 383: 370-380, 1997.
  54. Ikeda, Y., and Terashima, T. Expression of reelin, the gene responsible for the reeler mutation, in embryonic development and adulthood in the mouse. Dev. Dynamics, 210: 157-172, 1997.
  55. Terashima, T., Miwa, A., Kaengae, Y., Saito, I., and Okado, H. Retrograde and anterograde labeling of cerebellar afferent projection by the injection of recombinant adenoviral vectors into the mouse cerebellar cortex, Anat. Embryol. 196: 363-382, 1997.
  56. Fujimoto, Y., Setsu, T., Ikeda, Y., Miwa, A., Okado, H., and Terashima, T., Ambiguus nucleus neurons innervating the abdominal esophagus are malpositioned in the reeler mouse. Brain Res., 811: 156-160, 1998.
  57. Ochiishi, T., Yamauchi, T., and Terashima, T., Regional differences between the immunohistochemical distribution of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II a and b isoforms in the brainstem of the rat. Brain Res., 790: 129-140, 1998.
  58. Woodhams, P. W., and Terashima, T., Laminar boundaries persist in the hippocampal dentate moleccular layer of the mutant shaking rat Kawasaki, despite aberrant granucle cell migration. J. Comp. Neurol., 409, 57-70, 1999.
  59. Ueda, T, Sakagami, H., Abe, K., Oishi, I., Maruo, A., Kondo, H., Terashima, T.,  Ichihashi, M., Yamamura, H., and Minami, Y. Distribution and intracellular localization of a mouse homologue of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I beta 2 in the nervous system. J. Neurochem, 73: 2119-2129, 1999.
  60. Takeuchi, S., Takeda, K., Oishi, S., Nomi, M., Ikeya, M., Itoh, K., Tamura, S., Ueda, T., Hatta, T., Otani, H., Terashima, T., Takada, S., Yamamura, H., Akira, S., and Minami, Y. Mouse Ror2 receptor tyrosine kinase is required for the heart development and limb formation. Genes to Cells, 5: 71-78, 2000.
  61. Kimura, S., Terashima, T., Schumann, B. A., Shimada, M., and Shiota, K. Pads and flexion creases on the plantar surface of hammertoe mutant mouse (Hm). J. Morphol., 260:26-32, 2000.
  62. Woodhams, P.L., and Terashima, T. Aberrant trajectory of enthrhino-dentate axons in the mutant Shaking Rat Kawasaki: a DiI-labeling study., Europ. J. Neurosci., 12: 2707-2720, 2000.
  63. Sawamoto K., Nakao N., Kobayashi K., Matsushita N., Takahashi H., Kakishita K., Yamamoto A., Yoshizaki T., Terashima T., Murakami F., Itakura T., and Okano H. (2001) Visualization, direct isolation, and transplantation of midbrain dopaminergic neurons. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA., 98: 6423-6428, 2001.
  64. Setsu T., Ikeda Y., Woodhams P. L., and Terashima T. Branchiogenic motoneurons innervating facial, masticatory, and esophageal muscles show aberrant distribution in the reeler-phenotype mutant rat, shaking rat Kawasaki. J. Comp. Neurol. 439: 275-290, 2001.
  65. Jusuf, A. A., Rina-Susilowati, Sakagami, H. & Terashima, T. Expression of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMK) Ibeta2 in developing rat CNS. Neuroscience 109, 407-420, 2002.
  66. Aoki, T., Matsunaga, T., Misaki, K., Watanabe, Y. & Terashima, T. Abnormal distributions of callosal commissural and corticothalamic neurons in the cerebral neocortex of Shaking Rat Kawasaki. Neuroscience 114, 427-438, 2002.
  67. Ohkubo, N., Lee, Y. D., Morishima, A., Terashima, T., Kikkawa, S., Tohyama, M., Sakanaka, M., Tanaka, J., Maeda, N., Vitek, M. P. & Mitsuda, N. Apolipoprotein E and Reelin ligands modulate tau phosphorylation through an apolipoprotein E receptor/disabled-1/glycogen synthase kinase-3beta cascade. FASEB J 17, 295-297, 2003.
  68. Sakakibara, S., Misaki, K. & Terashima, T. Cytoarchitecture and fiber pattern of the superior colliculus are disrupted in the Shaking Rat Kawasaki. Brain Res Dev Brain Res 141, 1-13, 2003.
  69. Wu, D., Tadano, M., Edamatsu, H., Masago-Toda, M., Yamawaki-Kataoka, Y., Terashima, T., Mizoguchi, A., Minami, Y., Satoh, T. & Kataoka, T. Neuronal lineage-specific induction of phospholipase Cepsilon expression in the developing mouse brain. Eur J Neurosci 17, 1571-1580, 2003.
  70. Takeda, S., Kondo, M., Sasaki, J., Kurahashi, H., Kano, H., Arai, K., Misaki, K., Fukui, T., Kobayashi, K., Tachikawa, M., Imamura, M., Nakamura, Y., Shimizu, T., Murakami, T., Sunada, Y., Fujikado, T., Matsumura, K., Terashima, T. & Toda, T. Fukutin is required for maintenance of muscle integrity, cortical histiogenesis and normal eye development. Hum Mol Genet 12, 1449-1459, 2003.
  71. Yamamoto, T., Sakakibara, S., Mikoshiba, K. & Terashima, T. Ectopic corticospinal tract and corticothalamic tract neurons in the cerebral cortex of yotari and reeler mice. J Comp Neurol 461, 61-75, 2003.
  72. Tsukamoto, Y., Yamamoto, T., Okado, H., Nibu, K. & Terashima, T. Retrograde labeling of mouse spinal descending tracts by a recombinant adenovirus. Arch Histol Cytol 66, 209-220, 2003.
  73. Kikkawa, S., Yamamoto, T., Misaki, K., Ikeda, Y., Okado, H., Ogawa, M., Woodhams, P. L. & Terashima, T. Missplicing resulting from a short deletion in the reelin gene causes reeler-like neuronal disorders in the mutant shaking rat Kawasaki. J Comp Neurol 463, 303-315, 2003.
  74. Arakawa, T., Tokita, K., Miki, A. & Terashima, T. Anatomical study of human adductor hallucis muscle with respect to its origin and insertion. Ann Anat 185, 585-592, 2003.
  75. Misaki, K., Kikkawa, S. & Terashima, T. Reelin-expressing neurons in the anterior commissure and corpus callosum of the rat. Brain Res Dev Brain Res 148, 89-96, 2004.
  76. Arakawa, T., Setsu, T. & Terashima, T. Modified grant method protocol for dissecting and identifying the brachial plexus. Kaibogaku Zasshi 79, 15-23, 2004.
  77. Fukui, Y., Ema, M., Fujiwara, M., Higuchi, H., Inouye, M., Iwase, T., Kihara, T., Nishimura, T., Oi, A., Ooshima, Y., Otani, H., Shinomiya, M., Sugioka, K., Yamano, T., Yamashita, K. H., Tanimura, T. & Behavioral Teratology Committee of the Japanese Teratology Society Comments from the Behavioral Teratology Committee of the Japanese Teratology Society on OECD guideline for the testing of chemicals, proposal for a new guideline 426, developmental neurotoxicity study, draft document (September 2003). Congenit Anom (Kyoto) 44, 172-177, 2004.
  78. Jusuf, A. A., Rina-Susilowati, Sakagami, H. & Terashima, T. Expression of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMK) Ibeta2 in developing rat CNS. Neuroscience 109, 407-420, 2002.
  79. Aoki, T., Matsunaga, T., Misaki, K., Watanabe, Y. & Terashima, T. Abnormal distributions of callosal commissural and corticothalamic neurons in the cerebral neocortex of Shaking Rat Kawasaki. Neuroscience 114, 427-438, 2002.
  80. Ohkubo, N., Lee, Y. D., Morishima, A., Terashima, T., Kikkawa, S., Tohyama, M., Sakanaka, M., Tanaka, J., Maeda, N., Vitek, M. P. & Mitsuda, N. Apolipoprotein E and Reelin ligands modulate tau phosphorylation through an apolipoprotein E receptor/disabled-1/glycogen synthase kinase-3beta cascade. FASEB J 17, 295-297, 2003.
  81. Sakakibara, S., Misaki, K. & Terashima, T. Cytoarchitecture and fiber pattern of the superior colliculus are disrupted in the Shaking Rat Kawasaki. Brain Res Dev Brain Res 141, 1-13, 2003.
  82. Wu, D., Tadano, M., Edamatsu, H., Masago-Toda, M., Yamawaki-Kataoka, Y., Terashima, T., Mizoguchi, A., Minami, Y., Satoh, T. & Kataoka, T. Neuronal lineage-specific induction of phospholipase Cepsilon expression in the developing mouse brain. Eur J Neurosci 17, 1571-1580, 2003.
  83. Takeda, S., Kondo, M., Sasaki, J., Kurahashi, H., Kano, H., Arai, K., Misaki, K., Fukui, T., Kobayashi, K., Tachikawa, M., Imamura, M., Nakamura, Y., Shimizu, T., Murakami, T., Sunada, Y., Fujikado, T., Matsumura, K., Terashima, T. & Toda, T. Fukutin is required for maintenance of muscle integrity, cortical histiogenesis and normal eye development. Hum Mol Genet 12, 1449-1459, 2003.
  84. Yamamoto, T., Sakakibara, S., Mikoshiba, K. & Terashima, T. Ectopic corticospinal tract and corticothalamic tract neurons in the cerebral cortex of yotari and reeler mice. J Comp Neurol 461, 61-75, 2003.
  85. Tsukamoto, Y., Yamamoto, T., Okado, H., Nibu, K. & Terashima, T. Retrograde labeling of mouse spinal descending tracts by a recombinant adenovirus. Arch Histol Cytol 66, 209-220, 2003.
  86. Kikkawa, S., Yamamoto, T., Misaki, K., Ikeda, Y., Okado, H., Ogawa, M., Woodhams, P. L. & Terashima, T. Missplicing resulting from a short deletion in the reelin gene causes reeler-like neuronal disorders in the mutant shaking rat Kawasaki. J Comp Neurol 463, 303-315, 2003.
  87. Arakawa, T., Tokita, K., Miki, A. & Terashima, T. Anatomical study of human adductor hallucis muscle with respect to its origin and insertion. Ann Anat 185, 585-592, 2003.
  88. Misaki, K., Kikkawa, S. & Terashima, T. Reelin-expressing neurons in the anterior commissure and corpus callosum of the rat. Brain Res Dev Brain Res 148, 89-96, 2004.
  89. Arakawa, T., Setsu, T. & Terashima, T. Modified grant method protocol for dissecting and identifying the brachial plexus. Kaibogaku Zasshi 79, 15-23, 2004.
  90. Inoue, K., Terashima, T., Nishikawa, T. & Takumi, T. Fez1 is layer-specifically expressed in the adult mouse neocortex. Eur J Neurosci 20, 2909-2916, 2004.
  91. Katsuyama, Y., Okada, T., Matsumoto, J., Ohtsuka, Y., Terashima, T. & Okamura, Y. Early specification of ascidian larval motor neurons. Dev Biol 278, 310-322, 2005.
  92. Tadano, M., Edamatsu, H., Minamisawa, S., Yokoyama, U., Ishikawa, Y., Suzuki, N., Saito, H., Wu, D., Masago-Toda, M., Yamawaki-Kataoka, Y., Setsu, T., Terashima, T., Maeda, S., Satoh, T. & Kataoka, T. Congenital semilunar valvulogenesis defect in mice deficient in phospholipase C epsilon. Mol Cell Biol 25, 2191-2199, 2005.
  93. Okuyama-Yamamoto, A., Yamamoto, T., Miki, A. & Terashima, T. Changes in reelin expression in the mouse olfactory bulb after chemical lesion to the olfactory epithelium. Eur J Neurosci 21, 2586-2592, 2005.
  94. Arakawa, T., Sekiya, S., Kumaki, K. & Terashima, T. Ramification pattern of the deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve in the human foot. Ann Anat 187, 287-296, 2005.
  95. Hoshino, M., Nakamura, S., Mori, K., Kawauchi, T., Terao, M., Nishimura, Y. V., Fukuda, A., Fuse, T., Matsuo, N., Sone, M., Watanabe, M., Bito, H., Terashima, T., Wright, C. V., Kawaguchi, Y., Nakao, K. & Nabeshima, Y. Ptf1a, a bHLH transcriptional gene, defines GABAergic neuronal fates in cerebellum. Neuron 47, 201-213, 2005.
  96. Doi, K., Nibu, K., Ishida, H., Okado, H. & Terashima, T. Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer in olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulb: a long-term study. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 114, 629-633, 2005.
  97. Takaoka, Y., Setsu, T., Misaki, K., Yamauchi, T. & Terashima, T. Expression of reelin in the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the mouse. Brain Res Dev Brain Res 159, 127-134, 2005.
  98. Doi, K., Nibu, K., Okado, H. & Terashima, T. Bcl-2 expression mediated by Cre/loxP system in olfactory epithelium. Neurosci Lett 399, 67-70, 2006.
  99. Arakawa, T., Sekiya, S., Kumaki, K. & Terashima, T. Intramuscular nerve distribution pattern of the oblique and transverse heads of the adductor hallucis muscles in the human foot. Anat Sci Int 81, 187-196, 2006.
  100. Baba, K., Dekimoto, H., Muraoka, D., Agata, K., Terashima, T. & Katsuyama, Y. A mouse homologue of Strawberry Notch is transcriptionally regulated by Reelin signal. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 350, 842-849, 2006.
  101. Baba, K., Sakakibara, S., Setsu, T. & Terashima, T. The superficial layers of the superior colliculus are cytoarchitectually and myeloarchitectually disorganized in the reelin-deficient mouse, reeler. Brain Res 1140, 205-215, 2006.
  102. Muraoka, D., Katsuyama, Y., Kikkawa, S. & Terashima, T. Postnatal development of entorhinodentate projection of the Reeler mutant mouse. Dev Neurosci 29, 59-72, 2007.
  103. Hirasugi, K., Hisa, Y., Setsu, T. & Terashima, T. Ambiguus motoneurons innervating laryngeal and esophageal muscles are malpositioned in the Reelin-deficient mutant rat, Shaking Rat Kawasaki. Acta Otolaryngol 127, 213-220, 2007.
  104. Tanaka, Y., Okado, H. & Terashima, T. Retrograde infection of precerebellar nuclei neurons by injection of a recombinant adenovirus into the cerebellar cortex of normal and reeler mice. Arch Histol Cytol 70, 51-62, 2007.
  105. Katsuyama, Y., Oomiya, Y., Dekimoto, H., Motooka, E., Takano, A., Kikkawa, S., Hibi, M. & Terashima, T. Expression of zebrafish ROR alpha gene in cerebellar-like structures. Dev Dyn 236, 2694-2701, 2007.
  106. Arakawa, T., Koizumi, M., Terashima, T., Honma, S., Kawai, K., Kodama, K. & Miki, A. Two anatomical autopsy cases of direct communication between a persistent primitive trigeminal artery and an anterior inferior cerebellar artery. Ann Anat 189, 489-498, 2007.
  107. Yamada, M., Terao, M., Terashima, T., Fujiyama, T., Kawaguchi, Y., Nabeshima, Y. & Hoshino, M. Origin of climbing fiber neurons and their developmental dependence on Ptf1a. J Neurosci 27, 10924-10934, 2007.
  108. Wei, P., Satoh, T., Edamatsu, H., Aiba, A., Setsu, T., Terashima, T., Kitazawa, S., Nakao, K., Yoshikawa, Y., Tamada, M. & Kataoka, T. Defective vascular morphogenesis and mid-gestation embryonic death in mice lacking RA-GEF-1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 363, 106-112, 2007.
  109. Ando, K., Yagi, H., Suda, Y., Aizawa, S., Sakashita, M., Nagano, T., Terashima, T. & Sato, M. Establishment of framework of the cortical area is influenced by Otx1. Neurosci Res 60, 457-459, 2008.
  110. Shibata-Iwasaki, R., Dekimoto, H., Katsuyama, Y., Kikkawa, S. & Terashima, T. Anterograde labeling of the corticospinal tract in jimpy mutant mice by Di I injection into the motor cortex. Arch Histol Cytol 70, 297-301, 2008.
  111. Ichinohe, N., Knight, A., Ogawa, M., Ohshima, T., Mikoshiba, K., Yoshihara, Y., Terashima, T. & Rockland, K. S. Unusual patch-matrix organization in the retrosplenial cortex of the reeler mouse and Shaking rat Kawasaki. Cereb Cortex 18, 1125-1138, 2008.
  112. Arakawa, T., Terashima, T., Banneheka, S., Tokita, K., Fukazawa, M., Suzuki, R., Miyawaki, M., Chiba, S., Kumaki, K. & Miki, A. The nerve communication between the glossopharyngeal nerve, external carotid plexus and the superficial cervical ansa. A human autopsy case. Anat. Sci. Int. 83, 112-119, 2008.
  113. Kassai, H., Terashima, T., Fukaya, M., Nakao, K., Sakahara, M., Watanabe, M. & Aiba, A. Rac1 in cortical projection neurons is selectively required for midline crossing of commissural axonal formation. Eur J Neurosci 28, 257-267, 2008.
  114. Arakawa, T., Terashima, T. & Miki, A. A human case of an azygos lobe: determining an anatomical basis for its therapeutic postural drainage. Clin Anat 21, 524-530, 2008.
  115. Islam, S. M., Shinmyo, Y., Okafuji, T., Su, Y., Naser, I. B., Ahmed, G., Zhang, S., Chen, S., Ohta, K., Kiyonari, H., Abe, T., Tanaka, S., Nishinakamura, R., Terashima, T., Kitamura, T. & Tanaka, H. Draxin, a repulsive guidance protein for spinal cord and forebrain commissures. Science 323, 388-393, 2009.


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