


  • 2019.04.20
  • 研究・業績 > 論文
  • 原著論文              
    1 .Akashi M, Teraoka S, Kakei Y, Kusumoto J, Hasegawa T, Minamikawa T, Hashikawa K, Komori T. Computed tomographic evaluation of posttreatment soft-tissue changes by using a lymphedema scoring system in patients with oral cancer. Lymphat Res Biol. 16, 2:147153, 2018.  

    2 .Akashi M, Hasegawa T, Takahashi S, Komori T. Four-dimensional computed tomography evaluation of condylar movement in a patient with temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 76, 2:304-313, 2018.  

    3 .Akashi M, Wanifuchi S, Iwata E, Takeda D, Kusumoto J, Furudoi S, Komori T. Differences between osteoradionecrosis and medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 22, 1:59-63, 2018.  

    4 .Akashi M, Kishimoto M, Kusumoto J, Yakushijin K, Matsuoka H, Komori T. Delayed socket healing after dental extraction in patients undergoing myelosuppressive chemotherapy for hematological malignancy: incidence and risk factors. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2018. 5 .Hasegawa T, Yamada SI, Ueda N, Soutome S, Funahara M, Akashi M, Furuno S, Miyamoto H, Hayashida S, Amano R, Mori K, Kojima Y, Kurita H, Kirita T, Umeda M, Shibuya Y, Fujita S, Komori T; Japanese Study Group of Cooperative Dentistry with Medicine (JCDM). Treatment modalities and risk factors associated with refractory neurosensory disturbances of the inferior alveolar nerve following oral surgery: a multicentre retrospective study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 47, 6:794-801, 2018.  

    6 .Hasegawa T, Yanamoto S, Otsuru M, Kakei Y, Okura M, Yamakawa N, Yamada SI, Ota Y, Umeda M, Kirita T, Kurita H, Ueda M, Komori T; Japan Oral Oncology Group (JOOG). Multi-center retrospective study of the prognosis and treatment outcomes of Japanese oral squamous cell carcinoma patients with single lymph node metastasis and extra nodal extension. J Surg Oncol. 117, 8:1736-1743, 2018.  

    7 .Sakakibara A, Kusumoto J, Sakakibara S, Hasegawa T, Akashi M, Minamikawa T, Furudoi S, Hashikawa K, Komori T. Long-term effects on volume change in musculocutaneous flaps after head and neck reconstruction. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2018 Sep 21. doi: 10.1055/s-0038-1672134. [Epub ahead of print]  

    8 .Takahashi D, Suzuki H, Komori T. A clinical study of 103 dental implants in oral cancer patients after jaw resection. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol., 30, 3: 206-211, 2018.  

    9 .Iwata E, Hasegawa T, Ueha T, Takeda D, Saito I, Kawamoto T, Akisue T, Sakai Y, Sasaki R, Kuroda R, Komori T. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide enhances the antitumor effect of radiotherapy on oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oncol Rep. 40, 1:434-442, 2018.

    10.Enomoto Y, Kimoto A, Suzuki H, Nishiumi S, Yoshida M, Komori T. Exploring a novel screening method for patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma: A plasma metabolomics analysis. Kobe J Med. Sci. 64, 1: E26-E35, 2018.

    11.Arimoto S, Hasegawa T, Takeda D, Saito I, Amano R, Akashi M, Komori T. Lymphangiogenesis and lymph node metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 38, 11:6157-6162, 2018.

    12.Saito I, Hasegawa T, Ueha T, Takeda D, Iwata E, Arimoto S, Sakakibara A, Akashi M, Sakakibara S, Sakai Y, Terashi H, Komori T.  Effect of local application of transcutaneous carbon dioxide on survival of random-pattern skin flaps. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 71, 11:1644-1651, 2018.

    13.Kishimoto M, Akashi M, Kakei Y, Kusumoto J, Sakakibara A, Hasegawa T, Furudoi S, Sasaki R, Komori T. Ionizing radiation enhances paracellular permeability through alteration of intercellular junctions in cultured human lymphatic endothelial cells. Lymphat Res Biol. 16, 4:390-396, 2018.

    14.Teraoka S, Kakei Y, Akashi M, Iwata E, Hasegawa T, Miyawaki D, Sasaki R, Komori T. Gold nanoparticles enhance X-ray irradiation-induced apoptosis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in vitro. Biomed Rep. 9, 5:415-420, 2018.

    15.Ohtsuki Y, Akashi M, Hashikawa K, Komori T. Facial artery musculomucosal flap to close an oroantral fistula. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol., 30 : 492-495, 2018.

    16.Hiraoka H, Akashi M, Wanifuchi S, Kusumoto J, Shigeoka M, Hasegawa T, Hashikawa K, Terashi H, Komori T. Association between pain severity and clinic-histopathological findings in the mandibular canal and inferior alveolar nerve of patients with advanced mandibular osteoradionecrosis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radio. 126,3:264271,2018.

    17.Ueha T, Oe K, Miwa M, Hasegawa T, Koh A, Nishimoto H, Lee SY, Niikura T, Kurosaka M, Kuroda R, Sakai Y. Increase in carbon dioxide accelerates the performance of endurance exercise in rats. J Physiol Sci. 68, 4:463-470, 2018.

    18.Yamada S, Otsuru M, Yanamoto S, Hasegawa T, Aizawa H, Kamata T, Yamakawa N, Kohgo T, Ito A, Noda Y, Hirai C, Kitamura T, Okura M, Kirita T, Ueda M, Yamashita T, Ota Y, Komori T, Umeda M, Kurita H. Progression level of extracapsular spread and tumor budding for cervical lymph node metastasis of OSCC. Clin Oral Invest. 22, 3:1311-1318, 2018.
    19.Yokozaki H, Koma Y, Shigeoka M, Nishio M. Cancer as a tissue: The significance of cancer-stromal interactions in the development, morphogenesis and progression of human upper digestive tract cancer. Pathology int. 68, 6: 334–352, 2018.

    20.Maeda M, Hirose M, Wada K, Kishimoto M, Akashi M, Kimoto A, Komori T, Shibuya T. Elucidating the masticatory function and oral quality of life according to the range of mandibulectomy. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol., 30 :220-224, 2018.

    21.Kawase-Koga Y, Fujii Y, Ikehata M, Ikehata N, Kono M, Kimoto A, Watanabe M, Chikazu D. Usefulness of Early Plate Removal in Patients With Occlusal Discrepancies After Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy. J Craniofac Surg. 29, 4:900-903, 2018.

    22.Kawase-Koga Y, Shibata K, Kimoto A, Watanabe M, Chikazu D. Simple Technique for Reducing the Buccal Fat Pad During Mandibular Orthognathic Surgery. J Craniofac Surg. 29, 4:e404-e405, 2018.

    23.Higashino N, Koma YI, Hosono M, Takase N, Okamoto M, Kodaira H, Nishio M, Shigeoka M, Kakeji Y, Yokozaki H. Fibroblast activation protein-positive fibroblasts promote tumor progression through secretions of CCL2 and IL6 in the esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Lab. Invest. In Press. 

    24.Soutome S, Hayashida S, Funahara M, Sakamoto Y, Kojima Y, Yanamoto S, Umeda M. Factors affecting development of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in cancer patients receiving high-dose bisphosphonate or denosumab therapy: Is tooth extraction a risk factor? PLoS One.26;13(7):e0201343.2018.

    25.Okuyama K, Yanamoto S, Naruse T, Sakamoto Y, Rokutanda S, Ohba S, Asahina I, Umeda M. Clinical complications in the application of polyglycolic acid sheets with fibrin glue after resection of mucosal lesions in oral cavity. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 125(6):541-546, 2018.

    26.古土井春吾,岩田英治,岸本恵美,高橋淳子,楠元順哉,明石昌也,古森孝英.薬剤関 連顎骨壊死の転帰に影響する因子について の検討.日本口腔感染症学会雑誌.25,2:7177,2018.

    27.木本 明,古賀陽子,渡辺正人,里見貴史, 松尾 朗,近津大地.東京医科大学口腔外科 学分野における過去12年間の顎矯正手術症例 の検討.日本顎変形症学会雑誌.28巻 1 号: 28-33,2018.

    28.梶 真人,古土井春吾,岸本恵美,岩田英 治,高橋淳子,楠元順哉,明石昌也,古森孝 英.血管柄付遊離皮弁を用いた口腔癌の術後 感染に関わる因子の検討.日本口腔感染症学 会雑誌.25:14-19,2018

    29.柚鳥宏和,梅田正博,岩谷博篤,松尾健司, 松本耕祐,石田 優,橘 進彰,古森孝英.80 歳以上の高齢口腔癌患者の臨床的検討.日本 口腔腫瘍学会誌.30,1:1-6,2018.

    30.戸谷孝洋,新垣敬一,東野あさみ,島田 拓矢,森本泰宏,古森孝英.要介護高齢者 における口腔状態と生活における活動力 (ADL)の相関関係,日本外傷歯学会雑 誌.14,1:41-52,2018.

    1 .Akashi M, Wanifuchi S, Kusumoto J, Kishimoto M, Kakei Y, Hashikawa K, Komori T. Potential role of post-treatment followup FDG-PET CT to detect mandibular osteoradionecrosis: A case report. Mol Clin Oncol. 8, 1:61-67, 2018.  

    2 .Naruse T, Tokuhisa M, Yanamoto S, Sakamoto Y, Okuyama K, Tsuchihashi H, Umeda M. Lower gingival squamous cell carcinoma with brain metastasis during longterm cetuximab treatment: A case report. Oncol Lett. 15(5):7158-7162, 2018.  

    3 .松井太輝,重田崇至,赤澤 登.舌に発生し た無色素性悪性黒色腫の 1 例.日本頭頸部癌 学会雑誌.44,3:289-294,2018.  

    4 .石田佳毅,八橋明子,藤 大補,長谷川淳 子,古森孝英.舌下腺に発生した嚢胞腺癌 の 1 例.日本口腔外科学会雑誌.64,1:2428,2018.
    5 .石田佳毅,古森孝英.肺原発上顎歯肉転移 性腫瘍の 1 例.日本口腔診断学会雑誌.31, 1:15-20,2018.  

    6 .岩田英治,古土井春吾,鰐渕 聡,岸本恵 実,明石昌也,古森孝英.スニチニブ投与患 者に発症した顎骨壊死の 1 例.日本口腔外科 学会雑誌.64:83-87,2018.  

    7 .榎本由依,明石昌也,平岡佑二郎,重岡 學,南川 勉,古森孝英.下顎歯肉癌を生じ た Cowden 症候群の 1 例.日本口腔外科学 会雑誌,64,4:213-218,2018.  

    8 .長谷川 温,里見貴史,渡辺正人,河野通 秀,木本 明,近津大地.結核性脊椎炎を発 症し骨転移との鑑別を要した舌癌の 1 例,日 本口腔外科学会雑誌.64,2:73-77,2018.

    1 .Akashi M, Kusumoto J, Takeda D, Shigeta T, Hasegawa T, Komori T. A literature review of perioperative antibiotic administration in surgery for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018 Dec;22(4):369-378. doi: 10.1007/s10006-0180732-8.  

    2 .Akashi M, Nanba N, Kusumoto J, Komori T. Perioperative intervention by oral medicine team in cardiovascular surgery patients. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2018 Oct 5. doi: 10.1007/s11748-018-1020-0.  

    3 .古森孝英.痛みがなくても要注意!放ってお くと危険な歯と口内の病気って!.ホッと! HANSHIN.141,12;9,2018.  

    4 .古土井春吾,溝渕知司,吉田聡子,松下 経,小幡典彦,市ノ瀬 透.定期的な手術枠 見直しの有用性についての検討.手術医学. 39:51-53,2017.  

    5 .古土井春吾,古森孝英.顎口腔領域の重症感 染症への対応.日本口腔外科学会雑誌.64, 394-403,2018.  

    6 .古土井春吾,溝渕知司,吉田聡子,小幡典 彦,市ノ瀬 透.当院における周術期口腔機 能管理の現状.日本手術医学会誌.39,4: 212-214,2018.  

    7 .長谷川巧実.抜歯における下唇知覚鈍麻と上顎洞穿孔のリスクとその対応.歯界月報. 801,52-60,2018.

    著  書              
    1 .Akashi M, Komori T, Minamikawa T, Hasegawa T, Nishii M, Hashikawa K, Seddik MH, Sasaki R. Oral complications following radiation therapy for head and neck malignancy. OPEN ACCESS eBooks: Oral and Craniofacial Disease & Disorders. 2018, p1-15  

    2 .「改訂版 日常の口腔外科 病診連携 SMART & SMOOTH」.古森孝英編著,永 末書店.2018.  1 )古森孝英:Ⅰ-1.スマートでスムーズな 病診連携のために. 2 ~ 6 頁.  2 )横尾 聡,古森孝英:Ⅱ-1.解剖学的知 識. 8 ~19頁.  3 )古土井春吾,綿谷早苗,古森孝英:Ⅱ-2. 感染対策としての消毒と滅菌.20~32 頁.  4 )梅田正博,古森孝英:Ⅱ-3.全身疾患へ の対応.33~44頁.  5 )渋谷恭之,古森孝英:Ⅱ-4.薬剤の知 識.45~54頁.  6 )長谷川巧実,藤岡 学,古森孝英:Ⅱ-5. 画像検査の読影.55~74頁.  7 )古森孝英:Ⅲ-1.口腔粘膜疾患.76~87 頁.  8 )梅田正博,古森孝英:Ⅲ-2.口腔癌.88 ~101頁.  9 )古森孝英:Ⅲ-3.良性腫瘍と嚢胞.102 ~110頁. 10)古土井春吾,古森孝英:Ⅲ-4.口腔感染 症.111~138頁. 11)立石千鶴,古森孝英:Ⅲ-5. 顎変形 症.139~156頁. 12)横尾 聡,古森孝英:Ⅲ-6.外傷.157~ 166頁. 13)渋谷恭之,古森孝英:Ⅲ-7.顎関節疾 患.167~174頁. 14)横尾 聡,古森孝英:Ⅳ-1.切開と縫 合.176~183頁. 15)渋谷恭之,古森孝英:Ⅳ-2.止血.184~189頁. 16)梅田正博,古森孝英:Ⅳ-3.智歯を中心 とした難抜歯.190~202頁. 17)古森孝英:Ⅳ-4.歯根端切除術.203~ 211頁. 18)古土井春吾,古森孝英:Ⅳ-5.歯の移植 と再植.212~216頁. 19)南川 勉,古森孝英:Ⅳ-6.良性腫瘍と嚢 胞の手術.217~227頁. 20)松本耕祐,藤岡 学,古森孝英:Ⅳ-7.補 綴に関連した手術.228~234頁. 21)榊原晶子,綿谷早苗,藤岡 学・古森孝 英:Ⅳ-8.その他の手術.235~245頁. 22)南川 勉,古森孝英:Ⅳ-9.生検のポイン ト.246~250頁. 23)鈴木泰明,古森孝英:Ⅳ-10.インプラ ント関連の手術.251~259頁. 24)古森孝英:Ⅳ-11.レーザーを用いた簡 単な処置.260~271頁. 25)明石昌也,古森孝英:Ⅳ-12.周術期口 腔機能管理のポイント.272~280頁. 26)鈴木泰明,古森孝英:Ⅴ-1.口腔粘膜疾 患治療の概要を知る.282~283頁. 27)南川 勉,梅田正博,古森孝英:Ⅴ-2.口 腔癌治療の概要を知る.284~287頁. 28)鈴木泰明,古森孝英:Ⅴ-3.良性腫瘍と 嚢胞治療の概要を知る.288~289頁. 29)明石昌也,古土井春吾,古森孝英:Ⅴ -4.口腔感染症治療の概要を知る.290 ~293頁. 30)鈴木泰明,横尾 聡,古森孝英:Ⅴ-5.顎 変形症治療の概要を知る.294~296頁. 31)松本耕祐,横尾 聡,古森孝英:Ⅴ-6.外 傷治療の概要を知る.297~300頁. 32)明石昌也,渋谷恭之,古森孝英:Ⅴ-7. 顎関節疾患治療の概要を知る.301~304 頁. 33)松本耕祐,梅田正博,古森孝英:Ⅴ-8. 障害者歯科医療の概要を知る.305~307 頁.  

    3 .「歯科におけるくすりの使い方2019-2022」. 金子明寛,須田英明,佐野公人,柴原孝彦, 川辺良一 編,デンタルダイヤモンド社,東 京,2018.  1 )古土井春吾:第 1 章 抗菌薬・抗ウイル ス薬 12.抜歯後感染予防抗菌薬は単回 または何日までが最適か.110-111頁.

    4 .「Clinical Question でわかる、エビデンス に基づいた周術期口腔機能管理」.梅田正 博,五月女さき子,編,医歯薬出版,東京, 2018.  1 )坂本由紀:第 3 章 周術期口腔機能管 理の実際・口腔ケアと検査の読み方. 69-73頁.