
Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences, 1992

TI: An analysis of vitreous tamponade effect in encircling surgery by means of finite element method.

AU: Nakahashi-K; Yamamoto-M

AD: Department of Ophthalmology, Kobe University School of Medicine.

SO: Kobe-J-Med-Sci. 1992 Feb; 38(1): 57-67

AB: The vitreous tamponade effect in encircling surgery was investigated by means of a finite element method. We performed the simulated encircling surgery on a computer program, which could have alternative band positions, i.e. anterior or posterior band position. Computed results revealed that the band position has a great influence on the vitreous stress distribution, and that the anterior band position is more advantageous than the posterior band position with regard to the vitreous tamponade effect. To our knowledge, this is the first numerical experiment to demonstrate the advantage of the anterior band position in encircling surgery.

Published Bimonthly by Kobe University School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan