Global Center of Excellence for Education and Research on Signal Transduction
Medicine in the Coming Generation

− Bringing up clinician-scientists in the alliance between basic and clinical medicine −
Research Plan
Research Plan
 By focusing on cancers, metabolic disorders, infectious diseases, and neurological and muscular disorders, we aim to establish new concepts of these diseases by elucidating the core mechanisms by which they are associated with one another and develop innovative strategies of medical care by establishing novel methods for effective diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. To achieve these objectives, we aim to:

(1) Elucidate mechanisms linking infectious diseases and cancers, and identify both therapeutic targets and biomarkers.

(2) Elucidate mechanisms linking infectious diseases and metabolic disorders, and identify therapeutic targets and biomarkers.

(3) Elucidate mechanisms linking metabolic disorders and neurological and muscular disorders, and identify therapeutic targets and biomarkers.

(4) Elucidate mechanisms linking cancers and neurological and muscular disorders, and identify therapeutic targets and biomarkers.

To address all of these issues, comprehensive analytical techniques including transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome analyses will be employed, in addition to techniques focusing on specific molecules. Each research program will be promoted by close cooperation with a Comprehensive Diagnostic Center comprising the Divisions of Clinical Pathology, Genetic Diagnosis, Mass Spectrometry, and Imaging Analysis.


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