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physician Scientist をめざす、エネルギーあふれる若い医師の皆さん、是非一緒に「皮膚」の神秘に迫りませんか?

The skin is the largest organ in the human body. The mission of our Division is to explore a variety of life phenomena around the skin and their disruptions resulting in skin diseases. Dermatology has grown to be a mature interdisciplinary system covering molecular biology and genetics. Skin diseases are expressed over a fairly expanded range, and in varied ways as induced or modified forms: inflammatory diseases such as allergy, skin neoplasm, and skin diseases caused by environmental factors including the sunlight.

Capturing a correlation between clinical findings in front of our eyes and histopathological diagnosis, we can carefully pursue which molecules of the skin cells are targeted, and why particular symptoms have been induced. It is an attractive feature of our science that we can make a diagnosis and select an appropriate therapy through understanding these molecular pathogeneses based on skin manifestations and histological findings perceived with our own naked eyes. We provide services for 120 clinical outpatients and care for 28 inpatients per day. Therefore, for students, we can prepare a favorable environment for raising their ability to gain full-spectrum clinical skills through a wide variety of case analyses.?

Since research activities are absolutely pivotal in comprehending pathogenesis, we currently investigate skin malignant tumors, skin allergy diseases and photobiology. In particular, in order to view all life phenomena from the molecular level, we proactively push forward collaborative studies with other divisions in basic medicine of our University, which has already delivered numerous excellent results. This has been well-known as our traditional strong point for many years, especially regarding signal transduction. Thus, we enhance our approach at the molecular biological level, and focus on developing therapies based on pathologenesis.

神戸大学大学院医学研究科 内科系講座皮膚科学分野
教授 錦織 千佳子

  • 子育て医師支援プロジェクト